MUCHO2000 t1_j9c9b50 wrote

By who? Those who have never tried it?

Also, having tried about a dozen Pho places when I moved to the East Bay from the LA area there is significant differences in the broth quality. Fortunately one of the best of the contenders is also only a 10 minute drive from my house.

Mom and dad cook while the adult son works the front of house


MUCHO2000 t1_j5qaq65 wrote

Sopranos is overrated. Yes, it's a great show. However it was just a twist on a tired trope and the idea that you can ask if it's better than breaking bad is a joke.

Now if you made me choose between The Wire and Breaking Bad it would be a closer contest with the winner being a matter of taste.


MUCHO2000 t1_j0m05mh wrote

I'm sorry? Go look at your replies to me. Now you're whining that I am not respecting your authority? Honestly it's pathetic.

You're mad because I'm not providing citations for my decidedly (I admit) unscientific post. Yet you refuted nothing and you missed the point on more than one occasion.

So either refute me or don't. I'm happy to learn new things but so far I have only learned you have a fragile ego.


MUCHO2000 t1_j0lvuya wrote

I'm not balking in the slightest. You're being critical due to lack of citations and incomplete information but I'm not writing a thesis here. I'm responding to a comment on Reddit.

You have refuted nothing. Where are your citations that I am wrong about anything?



MUCHO2000 t1_j0llbon wrote

Sorry kid I am making comments on Reddit. No citations needed. Go kick rocks.

Regardless I am not focused on anything but rebutting the post I responded to. Since you asked though the main concern I have (and think most people should have) is with long COVID. That said feel free to write up a research review on my post history.


MUCHO2000 t1_j0jft5o wrote

No I read you loud and clear. The problem is you're wrong.

It's not LIKELY because the death rate of COVID is so low. If COVID had a higher mortality rate it would be LIKELY to see less deadly variations over time.

I'm not interested in debating the meaning of likely.


MUCHO2000 t1_j0j9era wrote

Which mutation came from those unwilling to get vaccinated? We suspect Delta came from India and Omicron from Africa. The current strains of COVID escape immunity to a high degree. Your statement is bizarre about the unvaccinated having anything to do with the state we are in.

Second, while it's true that the goal of a virus is to survive, replicate, and spread it therefore tends to evolve toward being more infectious and less deadly context still matters. COVID is rarely deadly so while fast spreading mutations will be favored less deadly is far less relevant. It's not likely (your word) that each strain will be less deadly. The only likely thing is that the next mutation will be better able to replicate and spread. So yeah, bizarre.


MUCHO2000 t1_j0iymfy wrote

This is a bizarre post. You seem to be pinning COVID becoming endemic on the unvaccinated. That's not remotely close to what has happened. Second, COVID currently is not more deadly than the flu if you're vaccinated. Finally, the hope is for a fast spreading strain that is as deadly as the common cold which is to say not at all. However this is not more likely with each strain because it's mortality rate is already so low. A virus becomes less deadly over time when it starts with a high mortality rate. With COVID it's just as possible to mutate into something more deadly as it is less. Either way if you're vaccinated you have little worries of death.


MUCHO2000 t1_ixekizt wrote

In the context of taking a personality test for a job it doesn't matter if there is or isn't science. Just take the test and if your reading comprehension is good you'll do great following these simple rules.

You take responsibility for everything.

You are the most high energy person in town.

You like to lead but you are willing to follow.

You are very outgoing and love people.

You're creative but you love rules and structure.

Did I mention you take responsibility for everything?

This will guarantee an interview. The rest is up to you.


MUCHO2000 t1_iuyr291 wrote

If they can't get VC funding it's for only one of two reasons. They don't like the terms VCs have offered or their business model doesn't scale to the point where VCs are interested.

VCs are extremely competitive with one another and even a big juggernaut like Blackrock can't bully smaller competitors around.