
LoyaltyViscount t1_j1aihdj wrote

Reply to comment by Keepa1 in [image] by _Cautious_Memory

I don’t imagine the painful event, so much as the pain that will come with that event. Don’t want to do my taxes? Imagine the pain of boredom, imagine how that feels in my body. Then turn that “feeling” as a cloud in my head (takes a bit of creativity) and face it.

“Bring it on”, I say to that cloud, those feelings - not necessarily to the prospect of doing my taxes.


LoyaltyViscount t1_j185dzo wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in [image] by _Cautious_Memory

I found the Reversal of Desire from The Tools really useful for this.

It’s from the psychologist Phil Stutz. Jonah Hill made a documentary about him which is on netflix.

The idea is that when you’re procrastinating you’re avoiding some sort of pain, so visualise the pain associated with the thing you’re avoiding and face toward it. Then shout “Bring it on!” and move into (in your mind).

This has been hands down the most effective tactic for tackling procrastination for me (historically, a chronic procrastinator).

EDIT: you can search Reversal of Desire on google for a better description than I just gave