
LordPhartsalot t1_j1nosqe wrote

Since you want to discard the lot to replace it, you are free to hack anyway you can to free it up. So you could use a hacksaw to cut through the plastic and metal starting at the threads just inside the toilet tank, or you could cut through the plastic lever arm enough to free the set-screw up (and then use pliers if needed).


LordPhartsalot t1_iyf67m3 wrote

I'm sorry for you and the family.

We're going through this right now, although we have done it once before.

The laws vary a lot between states, so you must be sure you are getting the correct information for the state that your dad resides in when he dies. Among other things, many states have a simplified form of probate or simplified estate rules for estates valued under a certain amount, and the amount also varies, and whether it includes the home varies.

So go ahead and start researching *for his state* what the procedures are there. And find and read the current version of any will.

You probably should have had power of attorney before now, but any power of attorney does not continue after death anyway. (Don't worry, if you are the executor you will have the power to settle the estate, pay bills, collect amounts owing, sell the house, etc.)


LordPhartsalot t1_iui0n1x wrote

If the carpet is old enough, the staples may be difficult/tedious to remove completely, and may have rusted. I did this once to a 50's house and distinctly recall proceeding around the perimeter on my knees with needle-nose pliers cussing and moaning about it.


LordPhartsalot t1_iu0leou wrote

The plywood is supposed to dangle vertically or horizontally? (And if horizontally, how much lower than the "cage"?) Or you talking about just a plywood floor or middle shelf for the cage?

Or you could just hang stuff from the bottom using twine or wire. Or S hooks. Or those mesh bags used for onions and potatoes in the pantry.