
Longjumping_Copy_695 t1_j88qxo7 wrote


Primary reason for not doing something I know needs to be done, is because my brain wants to escape some imaginary pain.

Its almost like waking up on a monday morning to go do a job you dont like. Your brain is trying to protect you from the pain of being at that workplace you dont like, by suggesting you go back to sleep.

The duality ofcourse is that your brain also knows you have no option but to wake up.

Its however overwhelmed with fear and wants to escape the obvious consequence.

But once you do jump into that bad consequence, you realize it wasnt that bad.

Its a lesson that disciplined kids learn in childhood through repeated conditioning from tough parents - "Dont give a dime about your feelings; do things you need to do. Show up".

Procrastination is not about feeling lazy. Its your brain escaping massive monstors of fear and anxiety by stopping you on your tracks.

The moment you push ahead with discipline, you see the pain and anxiety were illusions for the most part...