
Logrologist t1_j2874bb wrote

Okay, so, I get that it’s a whodunnit and without him, the story just stops dead, but… well, here goes:

>!Why wouldn’t Miles just also kill Benoit?? He had the perfect opportunity to fix the whole situation and only shoots one of the two people standing in front of him, defenseless. The woman he thought he already killed (for the same reasons) and the one person on the island that was a definite threat to him, a clever detective that could only end up exposing him, why wouldn’t he also be a target?!< Or, is that just too obvious and we’re supposed to not even consider that obvious question amidst all the “layers” of misdirection?

Overall, the writing and dialogue are fun. Clever and unexpected twists made for an interesting story, but that question’s been eating at me. I’m beginning to think Rian doesn’t ever take a step back and look at what he’s making from a holistic standpoint. Sure, each twist is clever, every character well-considered, but the outer plot falls apart for me once I ask myself that question.


Logrologist t1_j286b3r wrote

Just watched this myself, and the more stand-out obvious thing that didn’t make sense from a writing standpoint (at all), is >!why didn’t he also shoot Blanc? In fact, once he saw him on the island, why wasn’t he the only one he killed? Benoit was the only one that posed an actual threat, he had no way to defend himself (or to flee), and since Miles clearly knew he killed the sister (especially after seeing the death announcement), why wouldn’t he just shoot Benoit?!<