
LiterallyASurferBrah t1_itt7h0r wrote

Section Two: Arrival

Day One:
-Just seeing this land over the horizon over the sea is… depressing. This place is a forest, there are many trees and plants here. But none live. Only dead trunks, dry wood. Not even a leaf upon the ground. There is no sound whatsoever. Just footsteps and the rattle of gear are ear-piercingly loud and echo with reverence.
-Observations predict this land must be seriously controlled by necrotic magic. Source unknown.

Day Two:
-Setting camp here is nearly impossible due to the terrain. Upon inspection, the ground is everlasting loose, dry dirt. It simply cannot pack and form friction on stakes. The lack of wind had helped, though it still somehow caused the collapse of the tent. In a very odd note, the dead wood and brush cannot catch flame. It only crumbles into carbon upon contact with flame, even magical. The emergency fire kit would not stay lit either.
-Hypothesis: this land is cursed with spiritual death magic geographical in origin.

Day Three:
-As there is no food or water to collect from this land, tomorrow will be the last day I will stay; the 4-day survival kit will have to be replenished at the ship, and I simply do not want to stay any longer, so the trek back to the ship will be the only. In other words, re-reading preresearch on this area indicates hypothesis is tangible, as this was said to be originally home to a society of natural-magic wood elves that were known for their affiliation for time and life-force magics.
-I set out to discover any artifacts. Three were found: one (1) tablet about the size of a brick inscribed in ancient Bosmer (send to crpytology), a set of four (4) small crystals likey used in magical ritual (no magic detected), and a diagram inscribed on a stone pillar that seems to be a map of key locations. Position seems to be recorded. Created one (1) rubbing of the diagram.

Conclusion: to be determined. This land requires far more in-depth study and exploration to document and predict the history of it. Will submit request for full expedition.

Signed, Ect. Jakobin Revan, Geographical Surveyor Specialist