
LiosIsHere t1_itq9b4y wrote

Carnivores? We're creating meat-free filet mignon for cats now? Or do they mean humans who eat meat, aka OMNIvores?

Personally, I'd love some meat-free alternatives to steak. I'm tired of all the variations of ground beef and chicken strips.


LiosIsHere t1_ir61uja wrote

It’s less waste, that’s the whole point. Yes, one time you might have a bunch of obsolete cables (although you can also use converters), but for the rest of time you only need one charger and cable for all your stuff and just need to replace those when they break.


LiosIsHere t1_ir5fh2x wrote

What we read in the news is just an easy to understand excerpt, I'm sure they thought of all those things you mention (which is why it took so long). I mean, they even have a whole paragraph detailing the label that needs to be displayed when a device does or doesn't include the charger (down to the dimensions and everything).

Also, the text mentions mobile phones, not smartphones, so anything that is mobile and can be used to call would be a mobile phone. It doesn't matter when it becomes a tablet, because those need to have USB-C as well.

And, as with any law, exceptions or challenges will most likely arise and be taken to court to be sorted out.

It's better to have this and maybe be a bit more sluggish with innovations than letting the current situation continu.


LiosIsHere t1_ir4zesq wrote

When a new and better connection is developed, the law will change to that connection instead of USB-C. That will likely take a while. Wireless is obviously also an option, but data transfer is still too slow.

This law is for all handheld mobile phones, tablets, digital cameras, headphones, headsets, portable speakers, handheld videogame consoles, e-readers, earbuds, keyboards, mice and portable navigation systems.

I'm sure it's pretty clear what a (smart)phone is, or any of the other things on this list. If something is invented that really doesn't fit any of these categories, the producers will likely already choose USB-C themselves (because having 1 different cable for 1 product is not very smart) or the law will be adjusted.