
LieutenantKije t1_j2ah8zn wrote

This is deeply unpopular but for me it was The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman. I just didn’t get what was happening half the time; whereas with some books like The Master and Margarita I’m confused but pleasantly along for the ride anyway, for this one I was just kind of like “that’s it?” by the end. But I think Gaiman just isn’t for me - have also read American Gods and Coraline and he’s an objectively great writer, just not my style.


LieutenantKije t1_j2496o7 wrote

Lol I was totally that kid who brought a book EVERYWHERE and read even while walking, and as I grew up, yep it’s annoyingly a social faux pas as an adult. I also just read on my phone now! No one ever has to know and I get to squeeze in a few more pages wherever I am