
Late_Establishment67 t1_j125sve wrote

I rushed through the streets blood trailing behind several places in my body as I cursed the hero for ruining my only suit. I luckily, had an extremely high pain tolerance, you would too if you were constantly beat to a bloody pulp by a hero.

After several minutes of running due to being close I slammed open the doors of the restaurant brushing up my suit as i walked up to the waitress. She stared at me with worry in her eyes as she opened her mouth to say something, but I swiftly interrupted not wanting to waste another second.

"I'm fine!"

I internally winced at how harsh my voice came out before continuing.

"I have a reservation under the name of Hurri"

She nodded still eyeing me with worry before leading me to our table, coincidentally right before we started walking off my date slammed the door open. She was bleeding, not as bad as me, but still bleeding. Yet, she was still gorgeous, in all mind, personality, and beauty. So of course I instantly lit up when I saw her and the waitress led us both to our seats.

"Are.. you okay?! I- I notice you're blee-"

"I'm fine anyway, you uh... want to talk, it's fun to hear more about your opinion on society after all we had to go due to your ma's curfew..."

Ah yes, we were both juvenile delinquents, yet still I somehow was a juvenile delinquent and an extremely powerful person simply wanting to show society how fucked up it is. Which could fall under the category of villain I suppose.

"Oh yes, so as I was saying society is horrible, I've seen so many people shunned and thrown on the- streee..."

The amount of infatuation in her eyes as she listened stopped me short.

"Oh please continue. I love to hear you voice your opinions, it's actually helping me hype myself up for something... and changing my opinions as I look at things from another v-"

She stated embarrased but was cut short whenever she needed to sneeze. Though what didn't come out was snot. No, what came out was fire, pure white fire, fire I'd recognize anywhere.


I stared at her with recognition in my eyes as she looked at me



We both burst out laughing