
Kyle_Smiles t1_j8xa132 wrote

Reckless driving is a felony. 25 mph over the speed limit, how many times per week do you do that on the highway? Same with popping a wheelie. Technically you could lose your right to bear Arms over that. Too many things are felonies and it should be very difficult to lose your constitutional right to own firearms.


Kyle_Smiles t1_irbkecp wrote

Spoken from a place of regulatory scheduled hours and normal work weeks. I've worked both and the reality is that sometimes jobs go long things happen and again the little guy isn't financially viable. I always give a number to people even for small jobs and you know the reaction I get? Customers throw a fit over the number which reeks of entitlement to me, but that's the number we can do the job for without losing money. On the side of communication, a lot of times it's a mom and pop shop working insane hours who can't afford to hire an office worker to take calls and emails. All of that said, this isn't true for every company out there and being in trades I 100% agree that there are definitely scum bags. But the majority are just hard working small operations, lower your expectations we aren't amazon.


Kyle_Smiles t1_irbgh94 wrote

I've worked in the service industry and I work seasonal trades now. I can tell you it's not the same. Most guys in my field are working 60-70 hours a week and that income has to offset the loss of income in the winter time. We still work but it's much less so the wages even out immensely. Customers are often unreasonable with thier expectations as well. A small job is not going to be a priorty especially if you have employees and overhead to juggle. For example a small job like fixing a door for $3800, that time is time you could have spent doing a bigger project that will make more money and make getting through the winter less stressful. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.