
Kyadagum_Dulgadee t1_iu0zu9n wrote

This is a woeful misunderstanding of how movies are made. The choice of actor can have a huge impact on the final product. Their performance, what they improvise, how the audience engages with that actor, whether it's with or against type and how that's received.

There's also the huge factor of how the presence of this actor or that one influences the budget. If you have a bankable leading lady or man starring in your movie Vs an unknown, the budget will often be millions more, which allows for better production value and a stronger supporting cast of seasoned character actors. Not always the case but the leads have a big influence on how well a movie does financially.

Yes the other departments matter as does the writing and directing. A great director can make a million dollars look like 5. That doesn't mean you have to totally devalue what actors do.


Kyadagum_Dulgadee t1_itgtz6y wrote

That is ridiculous and overly reductive. Someone selling you the actual product you are looking for is not a scam artist. If someone walked in to my shop looking for a safari holiday, I offered them the best safari holiday within the budget they wanted. I would also make them aware of better options for more money, if they wanted that.

A scam artist is a thief. They are not the same.


Kyadagum_Dulgadee t1_itfkkkh wrote

Even outside of scams, creating a sense of urgency is a tactic often used in sales. You want the customer to feel like if they walk away now they'll miss out on a great deal.

When I worked in travel this might be literally true if there were only a few seats left on a longhaul flight or hotel nights on their dates. But it was always good to get them to commit there and then as you would do all the work setting the holiday up and a colleague might get all the commission if they came back in a few days. We didn't bully or pressure people but we had ways of encouraging them to book on the day.

In a scam, there is always an element of time pressure. It could be a guy selling something out of a van. "I'm about to drive away and you'll miss out on this deal". But more commonly nowadays it's "We're the bank and someone else is using your credit card right now. They need to be stopped immediately."

In this particular situation, the thing to train yourself and your elderly relatives to do is not to give out any information, hang up and call your own bank directly. Not using a number in a text message or given by the caller. The number from your bank's website. If the call is genuine, you'll still be able to deal with it. These it's way more likely that this type of call is a scam, so that should be your assumption from the get-go.