
Kriemhilt t1_iycsjrt wrote

The normal term for "the burden of working with rubbish code that is hard to understand or change" is technical debt.

One of the advantages of calling it that is that it sounds sort-of like financial debt, so you're putting it in language management might find easier to understand. You ideally want some concrete motivation though, like

>"technical debt will make it slower (and therefore more expensive) to add these features you want, but if we invest in reducing our technical debt first, those features will arrive sooner and have fewer bugs."

If they don't have any bugs to fix or features to add, this obviously doesn't help you much!


Kriemhilt t1_iseot45 wrote

Sounds like the adhesive is a porous gel designed to let the liquid part of blood through while keeping the clotting agents and other solids in place. So, it ought to allow normal clotting behaviour in situations where blood loss would otherwise be too fast to allow clots to form. If the adhesive is removed after the clot has formed ... there's still a clot there.