
Kraqrjack t1_jdb21mm wrote

Also there was a thread on Reddit about a guy who chose to live in his car. He was a coder or something, choosing to be homeless. Traveled from Starbucks to Starbucks to use the wi-fi. Bought food, sat there all day, used the bathroom, and did this consistently. So being homeless and even transient is not the issue. Spend money. Private entities should not be forced to pick up the slack for failed government.

As a taxpayer I’d certainly endorse public shithouses on every corner. Other countries have them.


Kraqrjack t1_jdandtd wrote

Is the code available upon request at the counter?

I think typically anyone can use facilities in a restaurant if they buy something. Even homeless people. It’s a business not a public toilet. If you’re entering a business with no intention of supporting them don’t get pissy when they don’t support you either.

You presumably lock your doors as well. Why do you hate the homeless? They need to sleep indoors. They need your food and your bathroom. Right?


Kraqrjack t1_j79x10o wrote

I have been delivering pizzas at night out in Harford County. We're hustling to and from the car, no time to waste, chasing tips. Many car doors are unlocked out here. My previous vehicle was a black SUV and several times I delivered the pizza, bolted off the porch, and straight into the customer's black SUV in the driveway. Always got a laugh instead of buckshot in the ass thankfully.


Kraqrjack t1_j1p6cj4 wrote

I saw the earlier thread about this. The woman who wrote about it was telling of her own childhood experience from the 1970s. My family also had an elf back then. I always assumed everyone did. I was about to become indignant and state MY generation invented it so I looked it up. Turns out Scout elves have been part of Christmas stories since day 1 when Santa Claus first died for our sins (fatass got stuck in a chimney) and parents have been using them to scare children ever since. Old as dirt, who knew.


Kraqrjack t1_iupq6dj wrote

I lived at Towson State for about 3 months back in the 80s. My buddy was a student. His roommate went home at Christmas and decided to withdraw. I just assumed his quarters. Eventually someone snitched and I was escorted from the premises. Was a wild ride while it lasted!