
Kooky_Deal9566 t1_jc79sgd wrote

The First Amendment only protects against government-imposed restrictions on speech. It does not extend to private restrictions on speech.

I’m just commenting to clear up this misconception. 1A does not apply in this context, unless there is a law that governs what tenants can and cannot say to prospective renters.


Kooky_Deal9566 t1_j9twf9z wrote

At your age, I would suggest waiting to buy a house.

Obviously, I’m not sure how much you’ve got saved, but a house in the $225k range that meets your criteria may require a bit of work. If things go wrong and stuff breaks, you’re on the hook for paying for repairs that you may not have anticipated. So unless you’ve already got a decent rainy day fund, repair costs may become problematic. Plus, you will owe a couple thousand on property taxes each year. So, besides your mortgage, you’ll have those costs to deal with too. Homeownership is more costly and burdensome that most realize…

Moreover, you’re 22. Who knows where you’ll be in five years? A house is a big commitment at a time in your life where you’re just setting out on your path.

My advice? Find a dope rental at a price point that allows you to horde some cash. If you still like living in Baltimore after a few years and you feel more or less permanently settled here, then buy.


Kooky_Deal9566 t1_j9q3wsf wrote

I went to Carey Law and lived in Mt. Vernon. I did Charles to Baltimore or Fayette and never had a problem.

There’s also a free shuttle that UMB offers if you’re a student.

I also would advise deleting the map of your route from Reddit.


Kooky_Deal9566 t1_j6125mu wrote

It sounds like you've signed up with a retail supplier. BGE delivers your electricity. Clean Choice Energy is a different company and, based on your comment, it sounds like you signed up with them?

If that's the case, please take a look at your contract and the rate per kilowatt they are charging you. They may have increased your rate, as per the contract you signed. If there's no cancellation fee, cancel that contract immediately.


Kooky_Deal9566 t1_j611chx wrote

I used almost the same amount of gas I did last January (74 therms) and my bill was about $30 dollars higher. These bill increases are driven by commodity prices, which BGE does not profit from (trust me, I work for a utility regulatory agency). Gas is nearly twice as much per therm as it was last year. So, even if you use exactly the same amount of gas you used last year, your bill will be about 40-50% higher, including changes in the delivery price for gas.

If you want to save money, use less gas. Wear a sweater and get a space heater or electric blanket.


Kooky_Deal9566 t1_j4uqbvh wrote

I’m not seeing how you couldn’t move you car even when you’re in quarantine… Couldn’t you have just put on a mask to move your car?

I wouldn’t waste my time fighting this. You’ll lose and just have to pay anyways. You could get lucky and have a very sympathetic judge, but that’s a bit unlikely…


Kooky_Deal9566 t1_j11cy9s wrote

LOL Taxation is the price of admission to a live in a society with paved roads, public transit, free schools, and fire departments.

Now if you’re taking issue with how much we get for the taxes we pay, that’s a different discussion… (the short answer is: not enough).


Kooky_Deal9566 t1_ivpgbv2 wrote

Be careful what you wish for. If you think the city is dysfunctional and corrupt now, just wait until 2024, when our entire city government (except for comptroller) is replaced at once and special interests have an even more outsized influence on city elections.

Baltimore did a stupid thing approving question K. There are much better way to impose term limits.


Kooky_Deal9566 t1_itq6nf0 wrote

If you're feeling cheap, Soups On. Not fine dining, but definitely solid for a soup and a sandwich. I had a BSO ticket package last year and would usually swing by there for dinner. Helps you save some cash for the bar at the Meyerhoff.