
Kmar820 t1_j0p882n wrote

No they really did not. It was a mix and things did get heated. It just didn't ruin friendships to have different opinions. As someone else said it's about respecting a person's opinion even if your don't agree. You can talk and debate but it doesn't have to turn into name calling and my way or the highway. Today people on both sides are not capable of even hearing a point of view they disagree with. To me it's sad.


Kmar820 t1_j0o7x9r wrote

I'm not at a a trump fan nor am I a Biden fan...but it always makes me wonder how either side can say things like this and not see the irony. Did the left not have a temper tantrum in 2016? Both sides act like children when things don't go their way yet they get such joy out of pointing out how the other side did the same exact thing. I don't remember when things got so mean and personal. It was before trump. But I remember my parents having parties in the 70's where politics where hotly debated yet at the end of the night hands were shook and friendships continue. Now...idk it's sad to see families torn apart and life long friendships ended over politics. I have a feeling this won't be a popular opinion but things were much better not that long ago. We can all have different opinions but all the name calling and craziness that is thrown both ways is just really sad to me. I hope all reading this have a happy, safe and healthy holiday.