
KittysPupper t1_j9lxy79 wrote

Different tastes most likely. When I was a kid, I went through books like water. Books about just about anything. If it got me out of my reality, I was happy to read about boy wizards, pioneer girls, sensual vampires, coming if age stories focused on math for some reason, fact compilations, science magazines, and history text books. Whatever I could put my hands on, I would read. My reading comprehension was always very strong.

It took me nearly a month to get through a YA novel last year. I was reading it so my nibling had someone to talk about it with. But I'm not a kid anymore, the writing felt... Vintage, and I just wasn't terribly into it. It was okay and by the end, I liked it well enough. It certainly wasn't hard to comprehend, but it took me forever in comparison to how I used to devour the written word. I sailed through a much more difficult text the week after that, and took a week to read a collection of PowerPoints on home ownership the week after that. I have to enjoy something to have the energy to devote to really plowing through material these days, otherwise, it does feel a little like pulling teeth.