
King_Marmalade t1_ixnl66s wrote

Glial cells encompass multiple types of mature cells with diverse functions (astrocytes, microglial cells, oligodendrocytes) you can think of them as sort of "helper cells" for neurons. In some types of cancers, cells can enter what is considered a "poorly differentiated" state, where they lose some characteristics of a mature cell and become more stem-like. Some of the cell lines our lab generated were from GBM (glialblastoma multiforme) samples.


King_Marmalade t1_ixlyb1c wrote

The cell lines I've generated and distributed to ATCC were all frozen in DMSO (which you mentioned) in fetal bovine serum. For me this included cell types from many tissues like skin, lung, liver, endothelial cells (from vascular tissue), etc. Even poorly differentiated glial cells are frozen in DMSO, but using a culture medium in place of serum so they don't differentiate.