
KerPop42 t1_j9f4mfl wrote

I'm moving out next month. My current setup had a lot of my goals, a house with a yard in a cute, active town. But it's a cul de sac, I can't move forward toward my end goal.

So I'm backing up, moving on my own and hopefully I'll be able to move forward again with better roommates. It just... Feels like a step backward


KerPop42 t1_j8rp8ua wrote

Many informal police departments in slave states started as police patrols. But you contradict the logic of your source when you say, "Police have *never* have a purpose other than enforcing white supremacy." When your article mentions that the first fully funded full-time police force was founded in Boston half a century after slavery was abolished there. What you're doing is revising history to make it quippier.

Edit: you're also revising history in arguing that there was no infiltration of the police in the Bush Jr administration because your version where they're already infiltrated is quippier.


KerPop42 t1_j8rmuao wrote

That's a cool and edgy comment, but also historical revisionism. White supremacist groups did make a concerted effort to take over police forces, under Bush Jr. Part of the reason why the report was ignored was that they were radicalizing Iraq veterans as well, and that perceived smear against veterans during the 00s made it toxic to anyone's career to bring up.


KerPop42 t1_j6pdv7w wrote

Eh, he could possibly get off on that last part too. I'm not in the situation myself, but my first instinct as a bystander would be to verbally confront him and get him to sit down somewhere else.

Maybe tell him that there are people online he can pay to get what he wants, stop making a public space uncomfortable for everyone else.


KerPop42 t1_j6j9rah wrote

I feel like an actual onion headline would include VA-aligned DCrs secretly building a wall to keep Maryland out, and the two movements don't find out about each other until DC has been totally cut off from the rest of the country, in transit and utilities

The article ends with DC starting to descend into a Mad Max hellscape, with one commenter reporting that it's not like a split congress was going to get anything done anyway


KerPop42 t1_j697gn0 wrote

DC is a large city, I wouldn't think any consensus would be meaningful. A lot of people are crochety, adoring, frustrated, and contented with the city. Also in my experience no city is going to be a good match for all people.

I really like the city, but that opinion doesn't generate a ton of discussion. People that enjoy the city are largely out enjoying the city, not on this sub


KerPop42 t1_j5qeh39 wrote

Eh, probably not. Put in can't unilaterally use the nukes, and he's losing popularity. Using nukes would paint a huge target on Russia's back, and over an offensive war that poses no existential threat to Russia.

The odds of an escalation of material support for Ukraine resulting in tactical nukes is pretty much nil.


KerPop42 t1_j5n3dks wrote

As someone who's never used a truck, why do you prefer them? My jetta can fit a twin mattress in the back, and I've hauled 8' lumber with the trunk closed before. The higher wheelbase makes sense for camping I guess, but like the 4runner can do that just as well.

I feel like unless you expect to have stuff overflowing the top and sides, having an external bed without access to the folding seats makes you lose capacity.

I mean, hell, my parent's town and country, with all the seats folded flat, was basically a UHaul van in capacity.


KerPop42 t1_j2fvq91 wrote

The benefit is crossing the street at all tbh. And yeah, I consider giving enough warning to the drivers to be important. I don't stand in a crowd, and I make sure that there's enough space that the driver will be able to comfortably stop when I'm already in the street.

But if you're driving in the city, you really do have to be careful. Drivers are at the bottom of the legal totem pole because we have so much potential to harm everyone else and are more nimble than trucks and busses.


KerPop42 t1_j2fhnof wrote

As a transplant, I know what you're saying, but I've come to see it as the right way to interact with DC traffic.

I keep aware of traffic, but eye contact here communicates to the car driver that the pedestrian is aware of them, and so will stop if the car keeps going. By not making eye contact, I force the car driver to actually stop for me.

The steps I take to do that safely though, makes sure the driver sees me and has enough time to stop. I communicate my intention to cross nonverbally.


KerPop42 t1_j1xcrvk wrote

Reply to Moving to DC by [deleted]

The best way I've made friends so far is through existing friends.

After that, Meetup roulette? Especially generic groups, like groups that go on walks or play board games, since it gives you a chance to talk to a lot of people.

Best coffee I've had so far has been near the eastern exit of Stadium-armory metro stop. I forget the name, but they have great oat milk lattes :)


KerPop42 t1_j1kwew1 wrote

18 naively is a rounding error. However, power systems across the country failed and had to institute ruling blackouts. Those rolling blackouts can be very dangerous for certain non-negligible portions of the population. That's how the deaths indicate a systemic failure.

Yeah, it's not 9/11. But it's also not "just life"