
JustSmileHaHa t1_j2f5pol wrote

Critically: Ultimate Spider-Man got fairly meh reviews (and admittedly it did have some very repetitive gameplay), but the pure comic style was quite innovative, solid story with challenging bosses, I still think it's the only Spider-Man game that has made playing as Venom feel like Venom and not a watered-down Spidey, IIRC it was also the first open-world Spider-Man game (don't quote me there).

Fan perspective: GTA IV receives a lot of pushback for being basically the antithesis of a GTA game, but I commend it for having the guts to live outside the franchise comfort zone and think it's the second-best GTA game.

Niko is very intricate and moldable vs. other GTA main characters being either ripoffs or essentially an avatar, the humor and overall tone is very dark and more subtle than the classic "in-your-face" absurdism GTA is known for, cars have weight and physics, it's prob. the least "world as your sandbox" GTA game/not built for mindless rampages. Some of that's better, some worse imo., but I commend it.


JustSmileHaHa t1_j2f2xxh wrote

I also happen to consider both the best I've ever played in 24 years of gaming.

I think the overall cinematic qualities that I think would shine on the silver screen RDR2 possesses that Witcher 3 doesn't quite stack up to (although I think the Bloody Baron quest could be a movie) edges it out. I love Geralt as a protagonist, but he's very fictionally contained while the sheer breadth and depth of Arthur's self-reflection also gives him a realism element imo. unmatched in any game I've ever played.

That said, Witcher 3 has untouchable writing (esp. from a dialogue standpoint and rolling with the gamers' endless choices to still give a full experience), the GOAT DLC and Gwent inofitself is quite addicting/curbstomps any RDR side stuff.


JustSmileHaHa t1_iyfa4p3 wrote

I work as a freelance writer and have been recruited for ScreenRant before (I declined). ScreenRant despite its visibility pays an incredibly pathetic scale that's minuscule in base and mostly traffic based. Most writers there are either just starting their portfolio, writing for published leisure, or simply are low-level.


JustSmileHaHa t1_iyf949a wrote

Could be in Egypt. Could also be a more Civ-esque game of >!rebuilding the Nine Realms with Kratos as the new All Father/Protector of peace!< Akthough I imagine we'll someday see the death of Kratos, I think it's also very possible the last shrine was the end of Kratos' arc and we start new next time.

Who knows?


JustSmileHaHa t1_iyaz48h wrote

I'd predict Elden Ring, particularly The Game Awards. That platform worships Miyazaki and Elden Ring has made the biggest cultural splash of his recent games (though I personally think Bloodborne is considerably superior).

I think GOW Ragnarok is going to lose some votes for being such a close continuation of an arguably better game (which isn't fair, but 2018 GOW happens to be widely considered at least a top 10 all-timer. Elden Ring is a fresh effort).


JustSmileHaHa t1_iyab8hq wrote

Slight sidebar perhaps, but if you still have a functioning PS2, the Ultimate Board Game Collection has everything from chess, checkers, Connect Four, Tic Tac Toe, Dice, Dominoes, Snakes and Ladders, marbles, etc.


JustSmileHaHa t1_iy9ki4z wrote

I flip between it and Witcher 3 as the best game I've ever played in 25 years of gaming, but I also heavily enjoyed RDR 1 to be fair. 2 is far more cinematic, deeper in detail and immersive to the point of Arthur feeling like a real person if that sways you any.

Same overall flavor though, so admittedly, I can't say with certainty you will like 2.