
JustACharacterr t1_ja34ii4 wrote

Idk if you’ve tried reaching Comcast support recently but they actively try to not have you speak to a human. I think I had to look up their support phone number when I needed it last year because it’s not listed anywhere in the apps or on the help page, and that still tried to trap me in robo-menus. It’s less that OP chose to waste his time and more Comcast made him.


JustACharacterr t1_ja27je7 wrote

It sounds stupid but last year when Comcast cut off my roommates and I’s internet three days before they were supposed to at the end of the lease because the new renters had somehow activated their account already, I had the same situation you did: suffering through 30-45 minutes of absolutely useless AI chat and robo-voice menus, losing my temper and repeating to the robot “I want to speak with a fucking human being” a couple of times, and suddenly boom 30 seconds later there’s a person on the other end.

Absolutely mental that this is an acceptable model of customer service honestly