
JoeyGIllustration t1_ja8uad8 wrote

There's no answer to your question, per se, because there wasn't anything deciding where to place things in the universe. Our perspective is what it is, because earth has had life supporting conditions long enough for life to form, and long enough for us to evolve into beings which can observe and wonder why.


JoeyGIllustration t1_j9zqb0q wrote

Yes, that's what both sides consider "objectivity". Objectivity to them means they're right no matter what evidence you provide that directly refutes their logic, because they're not using logic to form beliefs. They truly "feel" like their "feelings" ,based on their emotions, deserve to be honored by reality, no matter how unrealistic they are. Both sides do this all day, every day, and it's why we make no progress towards fighting elitism. Everyone hates "the elite" yet still wants to be one. The American dream is still inequality for all, and nothing will ever get any more sane, or less irrational, until the American dream becomes existing happily, in peace, and with true equality for all (humans on the entire planet, not just the US)


JoeyGIllustration t1_j9zeam1 wrote

You don't argue in good faith. You are equal to any trumper with that logic, and inability to be objective with FACTS.

You don't understand how life is created, and you don't respect the process of creating life. Parasites don't grow into human beings. So again reinforce your non objective nonsensical ramblings. Say fuck a few more time, as if that indicates anything other than your frustration at knowing you're arguing in bad faith. Again, thanks for proving my exact point


JoeyGIllustration t1_j9z5y4c wrote

You don't grasp the concept of what objectivity is. If it was only about a woman's bodily autonomy, then abortion would be totally fine, until after birth. So you are objectively wrong, if you don't support late term abortions. A woman is unique in that she can have a body with its own autonomy inside of her own body with autonomy. You won't argue in good faith, just like the others you hate, which only serves to further prove my point of why I find it difficult to engage this subject, as everyone is using feelings, instead of facts.
