
JakHammer9 t1_iyda2zu wrote

Old message from before your relationship and he stopped talking to her when your relationship became official. What’s the issue here and what is there to not trust?


JakHammer9 t1_iyd14uv wrote

The man is 28, he knows bringing girls home from a club (in matching ratio to the guys too) at 6am with no explanation or reassurance to you is at a minimum disrespectful to you/your relationship. Don’t let him gaslight you into thinking your issue with this is due to “maturity levels” unless he’s saying he’s not mature enough to be in an adult relationship.

If they are legitimate platonic friends of his, I feel like that would be known and obvious and he wouldn’t get defensive and angry. If his boys wanted to bring girls back to try and hook up with, he doesn’t need a third one and stay up to party with them.

Decide if you want a relationship where your guy brings girls home to his place from nightclubs and turns it on you being the problem, or not.