
Interesting_Ad1006 t1_ix0q9fp wrote

Well, from my own experience either someone is very greedy or the prices are really high. Coal price in Poland tripled, my friends from Finland stopped buying electric cars as the energy prices surged and they say it is no longer worth it. Family from UK is planning to relocate due to high utility bills. Europe countries were able to fill their gas storages it doesn’t change a fact that they will be empty by the next winter. There is an excess, but it will deplete. In “normal” circumstances I would say that central banks will solve the situation with stimulus and printing money, but with global inflation like this it is not the case anymore. Of course I might be wrong, but as a person living here I really see that this situation is quite challenging for some people


Interesting_Ad1006 t1_ix0md31 wrote

You know that energy crisis in europe will still last even after the war? Sanctions for russia will not dissapear a day after the war. Europe needs to rebuild its energy infrastructure first. Im not saying you are wrong, there probably will be a big rally when the war is over, I wouldnt be so sure that the market is going to grow constantly, I doubt we will see ATH in Europe indexes soon