
HueBearSong t1_itt3gyr wrote

I mean... it's kind of on society a little bit.

You can be the least sexist person ever and still believe that. This is due to things that are put into place like affirmative action and this whole pc outbreak. It's just a fact that it's not completely unreasonable to think that a female colleague at a high position will be less trusted by coworkers

Factually, men might be more likely to get the role if it's a dead tie due to sexism, but then you can factor in the fact that they are inherently more trustworthy due to being a man. If you're looking for just job performance and not about the status quo, then choosing the man is more logical on average. (but 99% of the time it's just sexism). The point being this huge PC attitude and push for inclusion is so in your face, I can't blame some people for feeling that way.

To reiterate, on average men are favored because sexism but with how aggressive this pc push is makes it a lot more obvious than the secret underlying sexism that is in everyone
