
Hotpickledsprouts t1_j04uen6 wrote

Reply to comment by tsmit50 in Creationism in Maine schools? by Shell58

You're being edgy insinuating that im not tolerant. 85% of the world believes in young earth creationism ?? Gtfo. That's a laughably made up statement, par for the course.

Just because you're delusional about the world you live in doesn't mean I have to be nice about it.


Hotpickledsprouts t1_izykebv wrote

I would hope not since it's entirely nonsense but the people who believe that sort of idiocy are real loud about it and probably have gotten it included in some classrooms. It's very common in the south already unfortunately.

But yeah, anyone who believes young earth creationism is basically as dumb as a flat earther. Plenty of overlap there. Easily refuted.

Biology/evolution/genetics are not things someone can believe or not believe, you understand or you don't understand.


Hotpickledsprouts t1_ivgcs9x wrote

What's your point?

People from Maine owning businesses in other states doesn't make their Maine businesses any less local. No matter how many ways you try and spin it they are from Boothbay. Why not celebrate successful Mainers growing craft undisturbed living soil indoor instead of being a little hater boy?