
Hopeless_Misery OP t1_j1rs8co wrote

Yeah well sometimes in life you think something isn't your fault as it's a really unlucky event, but of course, there is always some control I could of had over the situation.

Couple cars behind me also had the same accident, so I wouldn't say that it was entirely just me being an idiot. Things like this are rare and unexpected. You drive on an everyday basis and nearly never see something like this, so I can see why people just autopilot going regular speed and forget about the potential hazard of something blocking them.


Hopeless_Misery OP t1_j1rr4iz wrote

Yea my tow truck guy said I was lucky I didn't get blinded or anything so I will take the L and just get full coverage next time and drive more carefully.

I know to slow down in snowy conditions, but a part of my brain turned off when it's for things like random road debris appearing on the road. I've never had this happen in the 8 years I've driven so it never kind of came to my mind as a hazard, but yes, I've realized now that it's entirely my fault. Thank you.


Hopeless_Misery OP t1_j1rq941 wrote

Well people usually go the speed limit out of habit.. Conditions looked like it was getting better since the snow was melted away by the rain.

I don't know why, but I never considered the possibility that something was blocking the road like that. I have driven for 8 years and it is my first accident. I know it is stupid of me looking back, but now I learned to drive more cautiously I guess.