
HobokenJ t1_j610c9l wrote

The mgt company doesn't do the actual maintenance--if they can be bothered, they make a call to one of their vendors (who invariably gives them a cut), and the tenant is then on their own. They'll likely be paying full freight for that minor (i.e., $400) plumbing repair.


HobokenJ t1_j5zjb7y wrote

Former landlord here. This is NOT typical. You are NOT responsible for maintenance--that is the landlord's responsibility (obviously, if you break something, you are responsible for repair costs--but not routine maintenance, and certainly not appliances (again, unless you did something to cause the issue).

They are using the Mgt Company as a buffer because they don't want have direct interaction with their tenants. Fine. But this will cause massive headaches for your friend (when it comes to maintenance requests or reporting problems with the unit).

I'd look elsewhere.


HobokenJ t1_j2rxapm wrote

Something to keep in mind: If you're doing a gut reno, your inspection needs are a bit different than someone buying a place with minor issues or or in need of cosmetic upgrades. you might want to go with an engineer or even an architect. Most inspectors have a checklist of the basics, but you may need a deeper dive into structural issues.