
HighCaliberBullet t1_jdu99kv wrote

Lucky you, but It’ll happen eventually. I’ve lived here 30 of 34 years of my life. I spent almost two years in Great Lakes, IL and then another two in San Diego. Served on Coronado, in the Naval Air Station.

I’ve faced racism in all three places I’ve lived. Especially in New Jersey; specifically Jersey City , Newark and Elizabeth. I still get that to this day when my fiancé and go to Jersey Gardens. The black youth there mockingly speak some form a Chinese language or shout a Chinese dish to my Korean fiancé.

You must not play basketball. The level of racism , especially in an outdoor court is unbelievable. It’s justified as trash talk apparently, but it’s still annoying. Hearing that I should be playing soccer or baseball because they think I’m Latino. Or call my younger brother Jeremy Lin on the court because he’s Asian. He’s gotten called Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, even Shang Chi more recently.

But enough about the race stuff…Moved from SD back to Jersey City, and man the cost of living is way higher. Had to buy a place in Newark. Sorry for the long reply


HighCaliberBullet t1_j60h7au wrote

Reply to comment by DrixxYBoat in Sneaking into Gateway by [deleted]

I don’t remember how, I did this a while ago. But if you open the app, on the top right should have a 🔒 symbol. Touch it in front of the Onyx Lounge door and it should unlock. Since you said you have access. Hopefully this helps


HighCaliberBullet t1_j60dwja wrote

Dude, why would you post this here? Some employee at any of the Gateways can show this to Onyx and dealing with them, they’ll make security stricter.

Also, to get in the Onyx Lounge, you need to verify you’re a tenant on the BetterSpaces app to unlock the door.

I have an office in 1 Gateway, but I don’t give a shit who walks through. Just giving you a heads up .


HighCaliberBullet t1_j3i1xyw wrote

Yeah, the VA is a nightmare sometimes. I’m 70% combined….and that’s all for PTSD. I was denied tinnitus (I literally spent years in a helo) denied for sleep apnea, denied for hearing loss, denied for TBI, bi-lateral knee and ankle pain.

I couldn’t fathom why I would get denied for the hearing stuff, at least.


HighCaliberBullet t1_j3hz8f3 wrote

I actually collected UE and used post 9/11, but this was back in 2010. Wasn’t a lot of money combined, especially paying rent in Jersey City, I wasn’t getting as much BAH as the rate today. UE and BAH back in 2010 combined was still less than the BAH rate today in Jersey City

Perhaps the veterans rep at your school could give you a better answer. I suggest if you’re able to or eligible, apply for a service connection. If not already


HighCaliberBullet t1_j24h1vp wrote

Idk, but I have a bunch of crackheads hanging out around my area that litter, when there’s like 5 garbage cans they can use. Also, my dogs end up trying to eat the crackheads’ chicken bones.