
HeyJudeWhat t1_jab4141 wrote

Honestly it was awesome. My senior year prom theme was Jones soda. Pictures that had been taken the year were blown up in black and white and different color neon lights were everywhere. The LCSers made fun of us a little but honestly we were a little too stuck up and dismissing of them the way teenagers can be. I think one local kid was there when I was.

I have some classmates that are high up in Google/Microsoft/Apple but a lot of us are in normal jobs, I’m a database admin for a nonprofit. Many life long friends.


HeyJudeWhat t1_iu7rcwr wrote

Years ago I went to Ireland to visit my sister and when I was going through customs in Ireland on my way back the woman checking my passport was from one town over from my family and knew of my mother who worked as an Ed tech in that town’s high school!


HeyJudeWhat t1_iqnb1k7 wrote

Through the 70s/80s they were, now not so much. I think they were a lot cheaper back then too (as in less than the equivalent of $120). So a lot more people had them to actually use. Now they are more fashion. My parents still have their’s form the 80s and they’re going strong, my sister’s from 2015ish are almost worn out and she didn’t wear them a lot. And as others have said, definitely not good in snow.