Deductible is what you need to pay out of pocket on your own before the insurance plan starts covering you for future visits. You can either pay out of pocket and have the office bill your insurance towards that deductible or you can pay it out right through your insurance. Once your deductible is satisfied your insurance will start covering services either in full or at a cost to you that isn't full price. Considering there's a bunch of different plans your "copay" (the cost which your insurance charges you now that you've satisfied the deductible) applies and you just pay that small amount for the visit of what ever medical service you go to.
Now to go into what your plan premiums are, in layman terms that's your monthly fee to keep your plan active, while also having a deductible to pay so you can access medical services you need
HermitDash t1_iy2k67v wrote
Reply to ELI5: Health insurance basics. What are copay and deductibles and can you use them in some basic examples? by OvernightSiren
Deductible is what you need to pay out of pocket on your own before the insurance plan starts covering you for future visits. You can either pay out of pocket and have the office bill your insurance towards that deductible or you can pay it out right through your insurance. Once your deductible is satisfied your insurance will start covering services either in full or at a cost to you that isn't full price. Considering there's a bunch of different plans your "copay" (the cost which your insurance charges you now that you've satisfied the deductible) applies and you just pay that small amount for the visit of what ever medical service you go to.
Now to go into what your plan premiums are, in layman terms that's your monthly fee to keep your plan active, while also having a deductible to pay so you can access medical services you need