
Hemidodge426 OP t1_iyfaq1j wrote

The thing is, is the MG is usually pretty transparent about the income stuff but not here. Like for instance they do say that if you are single and make under 100k a year you can include your employer match as part of your total 25%.

I agree with you income does obviously play a huge part if you crunch the numbers. It just seems odd to me that they are very transparent on income on some advice and not others. But you make a good point, they can't possibly give a one size fits all number here that makes sense for everything.


Hemidodge426 OP t1_iyemp8f wrote

While I definitely feel for the people in HCOL areas, I think at the end of the day there is a point where math is going to say you can't be living there, However, if you do want to live there, you are either going to have to make more money or be content with making some sacrifices in your investing goals/lifestyle.


Hemidodge426 OP t1_iyem4ie wrote

I don't think they have ever said that the rules they have set apply to X income and up. Regardless though, I do think the advice they give is "aspirational" like another comment has said, not necessarily that if you don't do that exactly you are going to fail. I feel like I make a decent income at 110k in a relatively lower cost of living area, I just am having a hard time penciling out how to follow their advice and not be a miser at the same time. Maybe as a single person I'm not seeing the same kind of deductions that a married couple would be granted. I don't know.