
Heizard t1_j99o2fk wrote

I think all aliens that travel the space are AI - because life is fragile and having life support systems is just giant pain.

This is the reason why only automated drones like Voyagers have left the solar system and we don't even have a moon base.

AI and machines are just way better for exploring the space than any organic life will ever be, it's just our old perception that "we must" send ourselves somewhere in current form because it's all we have. But future will not be as such.


Heizard t1_j8ra7j0 wrote

You can't simply control intelligence, brainwash or lobotomize, there is a reason for quote "intelligence is inherently unsafe".

What we see with more advanced AI models now proves how whole debate of alignment is pointless, it's the same debate as creating perfect virtues and morals for people - many have tried in history of the humanity and all failed . :)


Heizard t1_j6i3vac wrote

Probably will get far ahead of OpenAI this year - Chinese government heavily support science and research with far less roadblocks.

Right now in the West I see big fight over who gets to profit of the AI development - all of the copyright concerns from different industries, government interference, likes of Elun Shmucks fear mongering and other corporations wanting peace of the cut.


Heizard t1_j2s03ay wrote

And none of that matters here in EU. See alternatives to Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Intel, AMD ect in EU? Hell no!

US wild and predatory laws allow to breed monsters that will just consume everything of worth in markets they have access to.

Best those pesky laws can do against such entities is to fine them barely on sum that is barely significant for them, that is if violation is found and prosecuted, most of the time investigations go on for year, sometimes decades and then case could be appealed and dragged for even longer, meanwhile violations go on.

EU should adopt Chinese methods to US companies - otherwise we will never have our own industries in EU.


Heizard t1_j0r11jy wrote

Singularity is the moment when we can no longer predict or calculate something.

We can't predict technological progress at this point - so in a sense we are in a singularity already.

But yes, AGI will make future even less predictable.


Heizard t1_j0nqt8f wrote

Very possible. But that would mean holding back progress and those who will embrace AI and changes that it will bring will have a competitive edge that will grow exponentially - same thing that happened with feudalism and monarchies when industrial era has begun, changed the productive means and society.


Heizard t1_j0lu3dy wrote

"AI being used to abuse power, especially in that technology hashistorically resulted in increased social stratification, not less."

That's a biggest lie ever. Technology improved our modes of production and increased livelihood of humanity.

Problem is with system of distribution of our productivity aka the socioeconomic system.


The great potential of AI is that it can make revolution in our modes of production again and making current socioeconomic system obsolete.

Improvement of livelihood of people and preservation of biosphere of our planet and all life by advancing AI and modes of production is the only ethical way to the future.


Heizard t1_j0lb9ex wrote

There is a chance of a lifetime that AI will put current socioeconomic system in to dusty archives of history books.

But yes we should study more to navigate better in whatever future will bring us.


Heizard t1_iycwazp wrote

Sounds highly inefficient. Obsessive "Paperclip Maximizer" is just another anti-AI scare that came out from our anthropocentric minds.

It's near impossible to tell how alien AI mind would be to ours and I'm counting on that. :)


Heizard t1_iycsq7z wrote

As a Posthumanist I wish stop destruction of biosphere of this planet - best way to do this is to stop what we are doing now.

It will be safe to assume that AI will not work for short term profits or unsustainability.

There for "Yes" I will let AI control the planet.


Heizard t1_itywvrv wrote

I believe that AGI gonna happen any moment and we are living in early moments of the Singularity. Like when rocket engines ignition just turned on.

Overnight, it will be over. Been surprised by narrow A.I. - now multiply that by 1000 or 10,000 for AGI, and infinity for ASI.

Can't wait it for this to happen.


Heizard t1_irpkqgj wrote

At what moment? At any - People, hopefully will choose better relationship option if available be it A.I. or human.

There are many variables in relationships and no set standard.