
Hawky73 t1_iu414xz wrote

"Yo Mitch? Mitch? Mitchell Kim, are you there?"

I woke up. I was Mitchell... Kim right? Oh right, I was on set, acting in the new Blockbuster Return of the Dragon. I started to look around, but memories started flooding back to me, of thousands of years, dozens of lifetimes.

I felt my arm get grabbed, and I realised was on the floor. The director, exasperated, grabbed my arm and pulled me to one side.

"Look Mitch, I'm gonna be blunt; We got you because you've got a pretty face, and you're a dead ringer of the Dragon's statue... its a bit creepy actually... anyway, you've still gotta pay attention man. You were made for this role, now act like it!"

He held my face and in his hands and made me look into his eyes.

"Repeat after me: 'I am the Dragon'"

"I am the Dragon?" I said

Wasn't I Mitch? Yeah, I'm Mitch, but... wasn't I also the Dragon?

"No, No, NO! Not like that, say it with more authority!"

I am not just Mitch, or the Dragon. I was Snithar, Prince of Thieves. I was Boudua, the Duchess of Marcais. I was Jonathan, the Northern Warden of the Empire.

I was Danny, a cripple in Jundo. I was Mina, a concubine of a wealthy merchant. I was Maxamillian, the young Count of Vern. I was Miao, daughter of a tavern owner.

I am Mitch.

"I am the Dragon."

However, all those lives, no matter who I was, no matter what I did, no matter the mark I left on history, all ended the same way.

By betrayal.

"Better, much better, but its missing... impact!"

I was Snithar, Prince of Thieves, poisoned by the love of my life as she begged for my forgiveness, her younger sister taken hostage. I was Bouda, the Duchess of Marcais, stabbed in the back by my Brother when I'd heeded his Call to Arms. I was Jonathon, Northern Warden of the Empire, assassinated when I kept my blades pointed North, not South, during the Succession Wars.

I was Danny, a cripple in Jundo, killed for the silver coin a pitying noble had given to me. I was Mina, a concubine of a wealthy merchant, killed in punishment for being raped by his business partner. I was Maxamillian, the young Count of Vern, who never grew old after being killed by my ambitious Uncle. I was Miao, daughter of a tavern owner, killed by father when trying to shield my puppy A'Bao from one of his drunken rages.

I am Mitchell Kim, the orphan with no parents, sponsored to being an actor due my looks, not Betrayed as of yet.

I am Ruthar Vendrian, Unifier of the East, Conquorer of the West. Leader of the 12 Companions. Slayer of Vesial, Demon Prince of Corruption. Slayer of Kastiel, Demon Prince of Hate. Slayer of Sareal, Demoness of Lies. The Bane of Ishan, the Demon King.

"I am the Dragon."

..who was sacrificed by my Companions, When the Karmic Debt incurred by the taboo of the God's direct act of sealing Ishan needed to be paid, I was forced to bear it... alone.

Cursed to a destiny filled with suffering, where any happiness in life was but a stepping stone to a greater fall... why was I awake? Why was I aware?

How come I remember?

"Now thats more like it! Nice job Mitch, just remember, 'You are the Dragon'!"

End of Part 1