
HarryTheHangryHippo t1_j44i2fw wrote

Welcome to Missouri where we have an endless number of puppy mills and irresponsible breeders. There's a much larger problem than just the dogs themselves. Inside of green county you are technically suppose to have them registered which is similar to having a license. If I'm wrong please correct me. That didn't change anything.


HarryTheHangryHippo t1_j44fem4 wrote

There are so many other breeds that are very prey driven as well. A prey driven dog only becomes a problem without proper training and education on the owners end. Why do you think they are monsters? They are some of the most loving, loyal, and affectionate dogs. I do not own a pit bull/mix or anything close to them. I'm just trying to help people see from another side. Too many people just jump on the "monster" wagon in my opinion.


HarryTheHangryHippo t1_j44e7mb wrote

It goes back to again an matter of training. And bad dog owners. We already have regulations in place for this breed. And people are not following them. If these regulations would be enforced outside of only when things like this happen it might help. But if they aren't following the regulations now, what's stopping them from not following a ban? This woman has already been humiliated has she not?


HarryTheHangryHippo t1_j449fv9 wrote

Idiot owners is correct. Idiot breed is not. They are a very intelligent and loyal dogs. Little dogs don't have the physical ability to maul/kill people. That doesn't mean they don't attack/bite people frequently. And this generally comes down to the fact that people see them as "cute little babies that require no training". All dogs were wild at one point, and people have to remember that. No matter how long they've been kept as companions and domesticated things can happen. People need to do their own due diligence with training, as well as researching the type of dog they are getting before they get them. Yes we have regulations in place inside of Greene county because bully breeds as they were bred for many many years will not let go if they latch on. I don't disagree with the regulations, but if owners would actually abide by them we wouldn't have ever had this problem. Or if people would be good and intelligent dog owners we wouldn't have this problem.


HarryTheHangryHippo t1_j446pfw wrote

To add to this, many of the kids likely ran the other direction screaming bloody murder. This would have quickly triggered the dogs prey drive. It should have never been a problem if the owner/brother had them properly confined within the regulations I put in a previous comment. Or if they would have been on a leash and also had a muzzle on like is required by the regulations but nobody ever follows.


HarryTheHangryHippo t1_j445su9 wrote


This is a link to the regulations starting at Sec 18-95. And inside of Sec 18-98 (number 5) there is a link to what is considered confined under subsection 18-59.1

It's a lot to read but there are very many "rules" instated that I see broken every single day. Putting a full ban on these dogs I don't personally will solve the issue whatsoever.


HarryTheHangryHippo t1_j441vex wrote

What good would a bill that bans these dogs do? There are already restrictions in place inside of green county. She did not have the dogs properly vaccinated. I didn't see any say of her actually having the dogs registered. And they were also not neutered. Unfortunately none of these things would have necessarily changed this situation whatsoever. Having the dogs neutered might have helped but it's no guarantee. The owner was not the one that let the dogs out. Unfortunately we are unsure if there was a fenced in yard or not. Which if I am not mistaken is also required by greene county when registering this breed. All of this goes to show that even with rules and regulations in place there are not always people that follow them. Banning the dogs is not necessarily going to fix any of this, as the same people that are not following the likely won't follow a complete ban. There's not really a good way to monitor a ban like that.

In my opinion the problem lies much much deeper. I'd be happy to post why I think this if people are interested.


HarryTheHangryHippo t1_it01c7o wrote

Cannot get it to let me reply to the post unless I reply to the bot. I've been with Quantum since I moved about 3 months ago. Previous owner used them and suggested them to us. They originally said someone needed to come out and see if they needed to run a line from the road to the house or if there was one already there. Once they found out there was a line there they were very prompt at getting an appointment scheduled to get the modem/router set up inside. As far as the buyout with Brightspeed I haven't had to deal with their customer service yet. The transition seems to have gone smoothly as I was a current customer and they did not have to replace any equipment. Just creat a password for Brightspeed and everything was good to go.