
GreasyPeter t1_je57rqj wrote

This is extremely common and yet when old school conservatives warn about this type of thing everyone tells them they're off their rockers. I don't agree with a lot of what conservatives say, but this clearly is one slippery slope that gets greased regularly.


GreasyPeter t1_jbckxza wrote

Josh Whedon is a good example. He was seen as (and leaned into) being about female empowerment since Buffy but the it came out down the line that he was often a dick on set and even called some pregnant women fat.

Dan Harmon was similar.

Max Landis evidently although I don't know of him very well.

I'm trying to remember another one a few years ago. Harmon and Whedon have been the big ones I can recently remember. Justin Roiland wasn't really a vocal feminist but I sorta think of him in a similar capacity to Harmon since they worked together but he doesn't really cunt on this list.

Some of them are undoubtedly narcissists so it would be expected from them but not all of them.

Oh, and Matt Lauer.


GreasyPeter t1_jbcjew8 wrote

If they make a point of constantly telling people or bringing it up just so they can show how good of an ally they are. Nobody says you can't or shouldn't defend women's rights and equality when it actually comes up, but if a dude is bringing it up a lot, it might be because they're insecure about something they've done or wish to do.


GreasyPeter t1_jbbcolu wrote

People that are guilty will often preempt any future accusations by building up a portfolio of "proof" that they're not bad so when it invariably does come down on them they can point to their past statements and say "look, that can't be true, why would I have said all these positive things if that wete true?". This is also why it seems like so many public overly vocal male feminist ends up being a sexual predeator. It's not that the actual cause isn't just, it's that they actually never cared in the first place and we're just throwing up shields to protect themselves from prosecution or guilt.


GreasyPeter t1_iqqgj2j wrote

Yep, looks like mountains. I grew up in Alaska and have seen Denali a handful of times. It's awe-inspiring but at the end of the day you can't feed a family on the view. That's the moral of the story in Alaska.