
GrapplerBJJ t1_jczkh9q wrote

Hope so, exhausted of working 12 hour tours every day....but it's a huge doubt. Transit Bureau can't cover all transit stations platforms and ride the carts....and we're always short. NYPD is the stepping stone for most aspiring officers, get the experience and jump ship...unless you know a chief to get into a specialized unit.


GrapplerBJJ t1_j9z3ejx wrote

Like it's crazy to me, being Dominican and being in the heights, you're coming to me crazy like I don't see the Dominicans in dyckman with tinted out cars, fake plates doing w.e they want and always seeing Karen with her 70% tint rated windows without a care in the world driving around the boogie side of Inwood. You really think white people give a fuck about a toll that much when they live in Westchester or Warwick or some shit? Earning 130k? All I ever hear is them finding ways to "not work" in the city.


GrapplerBJJ t1_j9z2h25 wrote

Not if you're tied down to working in the city, plenty of working class people who live IN the city have cars. You may not see it from transplants from other states but New York is still the Mecca for work. If we can understand that there's a definite population that exists between poor and middle class, who can own a car out of necessity/want (driving kids to and from programs, traveling out of state) but are still living pay check to pay check....we can circle back to original point. Who's more likely to not want to pay that toll bill? 🙄. A population that's more likely to be poor or well off?


GrapplerBJJ t1_j9yptla wrote

I thought we all know better to adjust per rate. PoC are significantly more in poverty than white people. If just scraping by is lower middle class, then sure. And what race Dominates lower middle class?/More than likely, they can't afford to pay tolls and their bills more? Would it be Latino or white? You're really being obtuse here. Usually, this conversation would have attempted to shift blame back to the "system" that there's some form of malpractice at this point and not focus on statistics. But that's the reality of most of these studies, at least from what I've read, they're all "inconclusive," and most of our data comes from institutions and their actions, not the perpetrators. There's no form of document that details the specific small details of what a driver did that might of caught an officers attention. Undocumented infractions, like swerving the lane, speeding and etc, prior to arrest. All we have is a pattern that, for the most part, can be cited back to the reality of classicism and can infer that the disparity could be due to racism