
GodOfManyFaces t1_jbi6jng wrote

I don't disagree that it will run forever. It will also smell like burning every time you use it (at least my parents did). The quality of the blend in the final product in an actual good blender is better to me than "it won't ever die". I can put toasted nuts in my smoothies and NOT have them be Grainy and gross. I can make nut flour, I can make oat flour. I can grind spices. I understand wanting something that will run forever. I personally prefer something that returns a better end product.


GodOfManyFaces t1_jbi4lmx wrote

Yeah except these blenders suck. They don't die, true. But compared to a vitamix, you may as well use a hand held immersion blender or even a food processor. The old vita mixes slap, but generally you couldn't pay me to use one of these old dogs after seeing how smooth a new vita mix can get....anything. there is a reason vita mix is a staple in literally nearly every professional kitchen. They are irreplaceable.