
Glass_Cat_666 t1_j1zkwpv wrote

I literally said that you need to stop acting all mighty and that Russia will come around getting basic human rights in order eventually.

I'm literally against how Russia treats people, and still you somehow fabricate that I love how it's in Russia right now. You are delusional.

And now you say I wouldn't dare to tell a asylum seeker from Russia that it will be alright in due time and that everything will be fine?

You have no idea how the real world works huh?

Or you simply think that Russian LGBTQ people are just aggressive mindless beasts without the capability top listen such as yourself.

Because that's actually what you said.


Glass_Cat_666 t1_j1zjm2m wrote

You should try to find "open minded" people in any remote area where the only information source is some guy on TV.

Most Russians have no idea what's going on. They just get the news that Russia is at war with Ukraine.

There's no why and how. And they can't fact check anything.

Maybe just watch older videos of Bald and Bankrupt to see what real Russia is like, and how isolated they are.