
Gill03 t1_iwncf3p wrote

A lot of this can be attributed to social cultural reasons I feel. I.e. having a personal trainer and nutritionist is a flex now. Their personal chefs are cooking healthy food and being fat is not a good thing anymore.

I don’t think Freud was “rebutted”necessarily, he just lived in a different time.


Gill03 t1_iwe6x9h wrote

I still don't believe you do and you have done nothing to show me otherwise.

I guessed you are into marxism based off your citing Lacan and your blatant belief in revolutionary activism, when Marxism failed the same way you guys always do. One not having a real plan, and two, thinking people are just going to agree with rhetoric blindly. It's why communists had to kill millions of people and people deliberately eat more meat and buy gas guzzlers to piss you off.

Collective utopianism is a failed ideology, it doesn't work. Radicalism creates reactionaries.

If you disagree with any of this go find any video on here with activists "putting pressure" on random people and find me one where people are supporting their actions. More importantly, find one where there was a successful outcome.


Gill03 t1_iw5ogh4 wrote

I support people who aren’t annoying obnoxious morons and are actually DOING positive things, as opposed to being annoying and self righteous. I like to live in reality and not terrorist hippy hypocrisy land.

How about you actually get educated on what you so passionately believe in and present it in a way where people won’t think you’re a stupid asshole? Crazy logic right?

So when people ask you questions you don’t have to rely on hyperbole, rhetoric, and nonsensical solutions to defend yourself.

Who do you think looks at your groups and says we should listen to these people? Who? Why would they?

Answer that, why should people care what you have to say? Because you are yelling?

Steve Irwin, huge activist, everyone loved the dude, did massive good, changed the game on animal conservation. Wasn’t an annoying obnoxious chanting idiot. Passionate and educated. Be like him.


Gill03 t1_iw5n43o wrote

The only thing you could possibly win here is my assumption that you all plan on going around being annoying assholes to “raise awareness”. Which I have yet to be disproven on, and you certainly are not convincing me otherwise.

I don’t think you understand how this country works or how politics or legislation works.

Or what the consequence of “pressure” are. Back to counter productive activism.

You don’t even know what you are pressuring for or how to achieve it. As the solution to what you want does not exist. What is so hard about that concept. Who are you pressuring, and for what purpose?