
Get_Jiggy41 t1_itokwc8 wrote

That honestly sucks that you knew the reveal was coming. They shouldn’t have advertised her face on the poster and should have just lister her name in the credits at the bottom of the poster. For me personally, the reveal also wasn’t great because I didn’t even know she was in the movie, so when she revealed herself, I was just like: “oh, this isn’t a twist. This is just some random character I had no idea even existed until now.” They definitely should have made the Hornet be Karen Fukuhara, because that would have been a legitimately satisfying reveal. But to be honest, I thought the reveal of the big mascot trying to pull the case away from Brad Pitt early in the movie actually had a point was pretty cool.


Get_Jiggy41 t1_itojlg4 wrote

She’s very, very attractive, so I can’t argue with you on that. But I didn’t even know she was in the movie to begin with, so her not being in it for long didn’t really hurt the film for me. It was simply the character itself. I think it would honestly have been better if the Hornet was actually Karen Fukuhara’s “flight attendant” character. She was quietly featured in multiple scenes and she interacted with just about every major character, so the reveal would have been way more satisfying. Unfortunately, I think the filmmakers tried to subvert our expectations by having a pretty well known actress featured in a bunch of scenes to make us think the attendant was the Hornet. They took a gamble and I don’t think it paid off.


Get_Jiggy41 t1_itoi7u4 wrote

>!Bringing Lemon back from the dead was the stupidest decision that movie could have made, because it ruined the emotional scene of Tangerine grieving, and it annoyed me because Tangerine literally could have checked Lemon’s wounds or pulse and he would have seen he was still alive or wearing a bullet proof vest. And then for Tangerine to die by accident and then at least have the comfort of being able to be at peace with his brother, but than said brother coming back to life and taking that tiny bit of happiness away?! Damn, that was disappointing and depressing. Not enough to ruin the movie while I was watching by any means, but enough to make me very annoyed once I thought about it when I got home.!<


Get_Jiggy41 t1_itohbw5 wrote

Honestly, she was my least favorite part. Her fight scene was cool and all, but for what little screen time she had, her character was just annoying. The whole “bitch” thing wasn’t funny and felt forced and a little cringey. Not to shit on her at all (she’s a great actress), but I just was not having that character.