
Garconcl t1_j5k01fu wrote

>some of the women they turned down are 30x times better than around 50% of my current coworkers

Learn to read: "some of the women they turned down are 30x times better than around 50% of my current coworkers" I never said all.

I know 3 of the women that applied for positions equal or below to mine, I worked or studied with them, all extremely skilled. They ended up hiring guys with a lot less verified experience, hell one of them was so infamous that he said he had 15 years of experience from asia, he didn't know the basics, his work had to be peer reviewed for every single detail almost to the point of being re done again.


My theory is that they don't want to hire women because dealing with the lack of basic manners some of those guys have.


Garconcl t1_j5gceeh wrote

This, I work for a Fin-tech company, all women are relegated to non-technical jobs and all men to technical jobs, and it's extremely funny seeing them appear as a well balanced company yet they discriminate men for non-technical positions and women for technical ones and some of the women they turned down are 30x times better than around 50% of my current coworkers, lol.


Garconcl t1_itvj16a wrote

Holy crap, the amount of socio-economical hate in this thread...

People don't hate the homeless, they feel guilty and the best way to deal with something that makes you feel bad is to reject them, for example let's say you buy something you really wanted in Christmas, and you see a homeless person, but you don't have more money to help them, you aren't going to change the thing you bought back to help them, but instead you'll ignore them because it is a situation that is unfair to both of you, you did earn the money you spent and you are not to blame for using it, but on the other side the homeless, well most of them, aren't at blame for the situation that they are in.

This also gets worse with time because of the desperation the homeless rightfully feel and how they express them.

And this is also something very USA centric, the country has so much social issues that it's mind blowing to an outsider, you can better see this when immigrants get to the USA, somehow, they manage to get in a better foot than normal citizens while having less access to support systems.