
GaijinYankee t1_j2eogn2 wrote

Well said - there is a very loud group that openly believes that the city (and suburbs, which is particularly hilarious) needs to convert as many auto lanes to bike lanes as possible, as soon as possible. I follow the need for some amount of better bike infrastructure but it needs to be additive to auto / mass transit capacity, not simply a reallocation- only the former will make it easier to get around for everyone. Telling people "you need to buy a bike and start pedaling, or sit in worse traffic" is absurd, and it really does reek of privilege.

And this isn't really a huge deal in the broader picture - it's no secret that reddit is an echo chamber incubator that amplifies extremist views just because they're loudest - but it is disappointing that the /r/washingtondc moderators have allowed this circlejerk to become such a large part of this sub, especially when there is a specific subreddit that already exists for bikes + DC.
