
Gaararulz5 t1_j6lhlbd wrote

I don’t know, there was the wheel, and now there’s cars. Then there were cars, and soon there will be flying cars. We as humans are constantly growing and adapting, learning new things every day. I mean sure we’re not building empires or creating the next wonder of the world anytime soon, but we’ve advanced so far in terms of weapons and civilization, to prevent as much innocent casualty as possible. We’ve only just started exploring that the sky is no longer the limit, quite literally, and that’s not something even Alexander the Great was able to accomplish.


Gaararulz5 t1_j6c7j05 wrote

So you could start out at like a local bar or tavern. He’s having a drink, it’s his 9th one so far. A female waitress comes up and notices his big swords and and flirtatiously asks if “his third sword is just as big”. Obliviously he makes note that he doesn’t have a third sword and asks for another beard. A little annoyed at his pass the waitress walks away with a huff and brings him his drink and lightly slams it on the table. He gulps down just as he finally catches on to what she meant, chokes on the drinks and ends up spitting it all over her. Apologetically he hurriedly pays the tab and drunkenly rushes off, stumbling out the door and tripping face first into the mud, blacking out. When he opens his eyes he’s surrounded by a thick fog. As he struggles to find his bearing he comes across a pile of bodies, then another, and another and another. They’re everywhere. As he examines one of the faces on the bodies he recognizes it as an enemy soldier he slew in one of many battles. He checks another body, another recognizable face, but this time one of just a boy. He remembered the faces of every enemy he cut down, they haunted him everywhere he goes. “Death is coming for you.” The wind whispered in his ear, as a shadowy figure stood off in the distance. It was much closer this time than it was last time, but still quite a ways away. He knew what this meant, and he accepted it. His entire life all he knew was war and death, that’s why he no longer wields a shield but instead another sword. It is kill or be killed in this life and his wasn’t one he felt worth protecting any more. He started to run towards the shadowy figure, and made no advance no matter how far he ran, the figure just stayed where it was. He fell back into reality and picked himself up off the ground finally wiping the hardened dry mud from his face. He looks around and some of the village kids are poking and prodding him with sticks. A little girl came up him, “you’re finally awake eh? Finally.” She pokes him again then runs away with the other children. He looks around and the day that was once gray and wet was now a bit brighter and the ground was dry. He asks one of the other patrons how long he was out, and was told, “this marks the fourth day. Honestly we even started taking bets if you were even still alive. So many deaths these it wouldn’t be a shock. Even the days seem to die sooner they used to.”