
GESNodoon t1_jeepc1g wrote

Yep, a proper punch utilizes way more than just arm strength. You should be putting your whole body into the motion of a punch and your weight will help make the punch harder. There are some pretty simple techniques you can find that will help your form and motion when throwing a punch or a kick that do not require a whole lot of training..


GESNodoon t1_j21e1se wrote

The thing I learn, but already knew, is that advertisers and discounts are not something there to help the buyer. They are there to earn money. Companies to not spend thousands or millions on advertising just for fun, they do it to get you to buy something that you normally would not buy. We are all aware of McDonalds or Coca-Cola but they spend millions to make sure their products are at the front of your brain. I like what this guy at B&N is doing, cutting the junk out. With books it is a huge thing not to see what the publishers are trying to force as the next best seller placed at the front and instead books that people actually like.


GESNodoon t1_iy0v1wc wrote

No, they do not equal, but for a podcast to make money it generally has to be pretty good. KATG, Jordan/Jesse Go, some of the true crime podcasts have good production value, quality guests or stories and are just a few rungs above the random group of friends talking in the garage.


GESNodoon t1_ixs93e2 wrote

Really, who cares. Go back and do it if you really want to. Have someone else do it. Hire someone to do it. In the end, you are wrong about the facts and your original response did not have anything to do with the original question. That is all I really care about.

I will wait with great anticipation for someone to come along and tell me I see-sawed lol. It will crush me.


GESNodoon t1_ixs6lqa wrote

No. My experience with the facts does though. Unless you can point to any court case that claims the Hot Coffee mod was responsible for a crime, either in defense or prosecution, then your post has nothing to do with the original question. The news getting the facts wrong does not change anything. You are talking about news programs from years ago as if you do not have the ability to get the actual facts. Saying that people were outraged by the Hot Coffee mod is absolutely true. People get outraged by any number of random things that they either do not understand or do not like. No one connected it to any specific crime though.


GESNodoon t1_ixs5yny wrote

It does not matter. Your experience with what the news said instead of actually finding anything out for yourself just makes you part of the propaganda. It was not a rape scene. It was not a cheat code. It was never accused of leading to a specific crime. Since that was what the original question was about, your response does not have anything to do with the question.

I was playing games at the time. I knew about and saw the Hot Coffee mod. The news, parent groups and politicians getting facts wrong does not change anything.


GESNodoon t1_ixs4x06 wrote

It is possible you comprehend what I am writing as well as you comprehend what you are typing. I have not "seesawed" at all. I have called you out for 3 things. 1. Cheat code. 2. Rape scene. 3. Posting something that is not relevant to the original question. I have not wavered from these at all.


GESNodoon t1_ixs14g4 wrote

You used cheat code. That was wrong. A modder unlocking files is not anything like a cheat code in any generation. You used rape scene. That was wrong. It is a sex minigame between 2 consenting adults. So the 2 things you used to point to the Hot Coffee incident were wrong. If you are going to talk about something get the facts right. Thank you for allowing me my opinion. That is very noble of you lol.

Furthermore, GTA was not banned from all markets. In the USA it was relabeled as "adults Only" (from the original "Mature"). Rockstar did get in some trouble for it and it caused a stir in the videogame industry but again, it was old people getting worked up over things they did not understand or like. It also has nothing to do with the original question unless you can point to a prosecution or a defense that used GTA and Hot Coffee as a reason a crime was committed.


GESNodoon t1_ixrxsit wrote

Yes, I was old enough and saw the news programs that you are probably talking about. The fact that you have much of the information wrong though is concerning. If the only place you got your information from was these news sources, well you were part of the propaganda. Like I said, the GTA Hot Coffee fiasco was not a rape scene and it was not a cheat code. The fact that certain politicians went nuts over GTA is no different than the ones that went nuts over the "satanic" backwards messages on heavy metal records or the ones that went nuts over Dungeons and Dragons causing kids to worship satan. None of it is true, none of it has any scientific backing. It is just old people who do not understand or like what they are seeing getting upset with youth.


GESNodoon t1_ixrwhy9 wrote

There was not a cheat code to conduct a rape scene. Modders were able to unlock it because it was an unused mingame that was still in the code. It was not a cheat code though. It is also not a rape scene, just a sex scene.

The random stuff you are talking about here is not what it seems like the op is talking about. For years certain politicians and religious leaders have tried to blame music or video games for all kinds of crimes. Usually it is not "this specific crime was caused by this specific game". It is "kids are bad because of games and movies in general".


GESNodoon t1_ixrw11f wrote

The "plans" in movies and games require so many things to go correctly and the criminals to have so much information that they are all basically some kind of fantasy or sci fi movie.

But no, movies and games often have a disclaimer that nothing in them relates to real life. Hell, games that cannot possibly in anyway relate to real life will have that.


GESNodoon t1_ixqx2s0 wrote

Most that I have had that grade on a curve are setting x% as an "A", "B", C" and so on. Oddly this is how my employer does raises. A certain percentage of each department is going to get an "Exceeds" a certain percentage is going to get an "Improvement Needed" each evaluation cycle.


GESNodoon t1_ixqt7ml wrote

Grading on the curve addresses the outliers generally. If the average grade is 68 but someone scored 100 (or a 0), you can ignore the 100 score as an outlier. You could have someone who is just really knowledgeable on the subject matter or someone who is cheating, which grading on the curve can be useful for finding.