
Friedumb t1_jbg5y8d wrote

Correct me if I am wrong, but the distance from the bed increases velocity due to lack of friction. As such a flooding river should expect higher velocity at the thalweg?

Im envisioning a lazy looking river with serious undertow.

Stream charecterization plays a role, I have always envisioned water finding the easiest path. Perhaps in a braided environment velocity could theoretically be decreased as the flow hops channels?


Friedumb t1_j3xzzlh wrote

Its in the works as of right now.

I believe the plan is to use wind/solar to pump water to the new reservoir and then utilize hydro to capture energy from the release.

Another decent project can be found here:

By recreating the old floodplains we can increase recharge while reducing flood risk. The issue with this project is that farmers are reluctant to give up land adjacent to rivers due to water rights.

There is hope, it just requires everyone coming together for a single goal. Ok maybe there isnt much hope...


Friedumb t1_iw065c6 wrote

Not having to travel for hours and being able to present from the comfort of one's home sounds like a decent option. That and planting trees.

Watching a powerpoint in person vs watching on a screen is the same thing. Can actually see better at home if you stream to your tv...

We will eventually learn?

Edit: A couple more benefits of streaming at home...

You can pause the PowerPoint and use the restroom; without flooding the poor parts of town with sewage.

You can share your viewpoints with billions of people...

You don't have to deal with the hr hassles of uncle roger getting a bit too frisky during the networking sessions...

You can embrace your local community and make a difference there instead of making a mess in a desert archipelago...

Tldr: Why do we even have technology when we sign deals behind closed doors with no cameras present?


Friedumb t1_ivyygiz wrote

Hopefully they planted some trees to offset their carbon expenditure. It would be nice if they stayed home; diverted the money from the trip and simply planted some trees.

I'm starting a couple trees indoors for the winter (two pomegranates and a drought tolerant lemon and tangerine). If we all plant some trees (suitable for one's locale), and tend to them until fruition; we will accomplish more then thousands of delegates.

Tldr: Squirrels combat climate change; squirrely flying around the world in jets does not.

Edit: I should add drought tolerant citrus is quite the misnomer. That being said, I have recently found a six inch diameter four ft tall Meyer lemon and a similar stature tangerine. The best part of this discovery is that they were found in abandoned farmland with no irrigation for three years.

Hoping to get a few growing and then start squirrely tossing seeds in barren environments. Nature will find a way, it's up to us to follow it.


Friedumb t1_iuaa7b0 wrote

If you find a dead bird with no sign of trauma; it's not a bad idea to call the authorities. Picking up and moving a dead bird is insane and should never be recommended when avian flu abounds.

The local authorities can test for West Nile as well as bird flu (quite a few other diseases as well). Which leads to heightened awareness and increased containment measures in the community.

Tldr: What I don't get is how do the cats know they are infected... Never see them touch a sick bird.

Edit: Nvm on the cat bit,


Friedumb t1_ir35ius wrote

It's wild that we have the internet and multiple means to alleviate these issues and yet places like North Korea still exist... It is horrible that countries are still being used as the stalwart for another nation that cares so little about them. Ukraine and Russia as well as America and Afghanistan come to mind...

Tldr: I guess they need their yachts to survive?


Friedumb t1_iqyad0c wrote

Hopefully he launches a satellite eventually and finds out about the wonders of television that placated his dad so well...

That or Disneyland builds a theme park just for him...

Whilst many will claim these ideas are Unicorn ideologies; we must keep in mind the only official Unicorn sighting to this day was in North Korea.