
FreelanceNinjaM t1_jeczr2b wrote

Henry please take us all to New Mexico with you. I'll pay for gas.

Only partially kidding. As in not kidding if you say yes.

In all honesty, the most beautiful thing I've ever seen is Diana's Baths. I'm as previously stated jaded by family court, but you wouldn't believe the waterfalls that are up here and they are just as beautiful in the winter :) yet probably almost as cold in the summer! Still worth a swim. When you read no swimming such as Glen Ellis falls, it just means it's too cold too swim but no one cares. That's worth a Google, and make sure you bring your camera errrr cell phone you'll have it, nevermind.

The first time I went was last year! Always amazed, I'm 38 years old and I'm still discovering hidden beauty here. Perhaps I should collect the tourist pamphlets.. Thought I knew all about NY until I read them when I left 😂 what a bummer I missed out on a lot.

No one will take me snowboarding because I suck at it, so I can't help much there. One nessessary left out piece of advice no one here would think of!!

When your hands are cold, and you come inside you've got to run them under cool, then lukewarm, then warm water. Going straight to hot will bring on unimaginable torment. Also, insults are our very different sense of humor than the south. No one is picking on you, they expect you to insult them worse and for it to be funny. Make it count Brother.

Welcome 🤗


FreelanceNinjaM t1_je75mvb wrote

This is so interesting! And very metal 😀 ha! Inspired by that skull and crossbones lol. Thank you for posting. I thought it was a trip visiting Paris on Google maps... It started me inside a building with stained glass windows that were labeled with dates this old. You could virtually walk around the entire building. This is the oldest tombstone, or oldest anything for that matter, I've seen in NE. Very cool!