
Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_j5idm97 wrote



If God could talk.

Would He tell you to come back to me?

If God could talk.

Would He tell you it's alright, just leave?

And don't look back at all the memories.

The best of times, the mess you made of me.

Walk on, if you think it's gonna make you strong.


Why don't you run away.

And find yourself a life?

Go on and turn the page.

Before your lonely world collides.

What's it gonna take to break the silence.

That's been tearin' you apart?

If God could talk.

Would He part the oceans straight to you?

Make mountains move.

Crumble at your feet to get you through.

Another day, another night alone.

Stepping out into the great unknown tonight.

Even God knows, baby, that ain't right.


Why don't you run away.

And find yourself a life?

Go on and turn the page.

Before your lonely world collides.

What's it gonna take to break the silence.

That's been tearin' you apart?

If only God could talk.


Did you swear to yourself.

On the day it was over.

That you'd never turn around.

And get locked up in another cage?


Did you tear all the pictures.

Of us living life together?

Did you burn all the memories.

That we made in a fit of rage?


Why don't you run away.

And find yourself a life?

Go on and turn the page.

Before your lonely world collides.

What's it gonna take to break the silence.

That's been tearin you apart?

If only God could talk.


Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_j59hqai wrote


Hush now, don't you cry.

Wipe away the teardrop from your eye.

You're lying safe in bed.

It was all a bad dream spinning in your head.


Your mind tricked you to feel the pain.

Of someone close to you leaving the game... of life.

So here it is, another chance.

Wide awake -- you face the day, your dream is over.

Or has it just begun?


There's a place I like to hide.

A doorway that I run through in the night.

Relax child, you were there.

But only didn't realize and you were scared.

It's a place where you will learn.

To face your fears, retrace the years.

And ride the whims of your mind.

Commanding in another world.

Suddenly you hear and see this magic new dimension.


Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_j59h0wu wrote

Go listen to "Precious" by Depeche Mode.


Precious and fragile things....

Need special handling.

My God what have we done to you?


We always tried to share...

The tenderest of care.

Now look what we have put you through.


Things get damaged, things get broken.

I thought we'd manage, but words left unspoken.

Left us so brittle.

There was so little left to give.


Angels with silver wings.

Shouldn't know suffering.

I wish I could take the pain for you.


If God has a master plan....

That only He understands.

I hope it's your eyes He's seeing through.


Things get damaged, things get broken.

I thought we'd manage, but words left unspoken.

Left us so brittle...

There was so little left to give.


I pray you learn to trust.

Have faith in both of us.

And keep room in your hearts for two.


Things get damaged, things get broken.

I thought we'd manage, but words left unspoken.

Left us so brittle.

There was so little left to give.


Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_j59gf7w wrote


[Genre: Pop... I think?]


It wasn't that I didn't love you.

I just couldn't make you see.

That as hard as I tried.

To make it all better.

It was not better for me.


The love that I gave you was all around you.

There was nothing left for me.

I hate to say it, but I saw it coming.

My feelings were changing.


I only say what you want to hear.

When there is conflict -- I stay clear.

When he was loving, I was in tears.

He knows my fears.


"I wish I could figure a way around this"

She says, like a sad song.

"I don't understand the way that I feel, I am terrified of being wrong."


Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_j59fgur wrote


[Genre: Japanese Pop]


When we see someone unhappier than us, we're a little comforted....

And if we find someone happier than us, we suddenly get flustered.

But, surely, that's why sometimes, realizing how wretched we are, we helplessly crash into reality.

What should I think?

What should I say?

It's not possible to live alone without getting hurt.

If you think you're a victim -- then you must be prepared to not care if you lose everything...

...and put on an act until the end.

What makes you wish for tomorrow -- and let's you get through even the long and dark nights?

Even if I'm praised.

Even if I'm envied.

I don't even know if you understand....


Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_j59eg8p wrote

If it's something I don't need, then your sympathy is completely useless.

If it's something important, then certainly pain will accompany it.

It's like...

Feeling loneliness even when you're together....

....is more painful than feeling loneliness by yourself.






Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_j59dwjs wrote

Oh... You like non-english music too???

GREAT!!! Here's one for you.


[Genre: Japanese Metal]





The eyes that look up at the meaning of shedding you.

Together with the past which mixes in the white breath.

The echos pile up, breaking my heart over and over.

I shake off the pain I’ve become used to, I can no longer feel you.

The ugliness and the laughter in the memories which flood over me --

Should I just forget them?

Forced to notice the sound of my heart dying.

115 hours -- who have you lived forgetting?

Because I’m weak, I shut my favourite phrase in my chest ---

To you who changes in order to live,

“The reason I k××× myself.”

The ugliness and the laughter in the memories which flood over me --

Should I just forget them?

When the love stops, even the confined sky...

Will one day shine....


Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_j59dk48 wrote

Dayz N Daze -- Misanthropic Drunken Loner

[Genre: Gutter Punk]


'Coz relationships are overrated.

Maybe I'm just tired and jaded.

But I'm sorry -- I just like myself more than I like you.

So call me anti-social, call it masturbation.

Either way it's a solo operation.

I'm just far more comfortable alone.


It appears that apathy -- has gotten the best of me.

'Coz I'm so tired of you talking my ear off.

About all your problems that I just can't fix.

I don't appreciate this unwanted company.

And your constant chatter --

Reminds me why I'd rather you leave me be.


So call me anti-social, call it masturbation.

Either way it's a solo operation.

I'm just far more comfortable alone.

'Coz people are ugly and people are hateful.

Destructive and greedy.

We're proud and ungrateful.

The world would be so much better off without us.


Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_j229wzn wrote

Warmth really just means "Extra Midrange Presence" and "Less Sharp Treble."

Very easy to simulate "Warmth" and even "Extra Stereo Separation" by using the RC20 VST.

That thing has MANY options.

Wow, Flutter, Wobble, Crackle, Distortion.

If you wanna make a digital recording ripped from a CD sound like it was recorded from a Vinyl, you totally can.


Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_j229arb wrote

Home Stereos. Even the goofy Wal-Mart systems with the big gaudy speakers that looked like something out of a sci-fi fever dream -- were a BIG business market back in the late 90s and early 2000s.

The ones with the 6 tray Automatic CD Changers. And later they compacted that into a Cartridge form.


Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_j21ebq5 wrote

"Or they're preferring the necessary sound compression that makes the loud parts less loud and the soft parts less soft."

Brick-Wall / Pancake-ing didn't really take hold as a trend until maybe like, the early 90s?

(Would have to Google it)

But everything before then had that "Dynamic Range" but it also meant that Peak Volumes across different albums were varied.

Like, if you were to listen to NIN - The Fragile, then go all the way back to Pretty Hate Machine, PHM is going to sound RIDICULOUSLY QUIET.

Same issue if you were to listen to Beastie Boys -- Hello Nasty, then go all the way back to License to Ill. It's not gunna sound as loud as Hello Nasty, because when License to Ill was recorded and engineered, Brick Wall was not trendy yet.


Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_j21btiz wrote

Ya know what I wish???? I wish that Sony wouldn't have kept ATRAC & the Mini-Disc Technology all to themselves.

It was a brilliant concept -- take a tiny version of a CD and stuff it inside a plastic casing with a little sliding window just like a Floppy Disk. That way the surface of the Disc doesn't have to be handled by human hands (unless you move the window aside and do it on purpose). Such a change could have worked out great for the entire Record Industry.

And the ATRAC Format itself was very interesting. But like anything Sony ever does, they wanted to keep it just for themselves.

They doomed this neat idea to failure by being too selfish with it. Mini-Disc could have revolutionized the entire market.


Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_j219d5x wrote

I wonder if Elton John or Jeff Lynne or Geddy Lee ever thought that there would be people in the future arguing on the internet and making this big of a deal. Lol.

Back in the 70s, everyone was listening to AM Radio and everyone was happy and didn't give a shxt.

When we focus ~too much~ on this idea of "perfect" we miss the point -- the point is to just enjoy the music.

Rush & Queen & ELO & Elton John all sound the same on CD as it does on Vinyl, and they would probably be ashamed of us for arguing so aggressively over this shxt.

Who the bloody hell cares that CD is 16bit & 44khz. I don't hear whatever alleged difference the Canine-Eared audiophile snobs are hearing.

And if I want that "Warmth" that CD sound supposedly lacks (it's really just extra Midrange Presence & Harmonic Distortion), I can ~add~ it myself, using RC20 VST.

Radio Stations used to use Harmonic Exciters, like the Aphex Aural Exciter -- to make the music they broadcast sound more lively....
