
FleekAdjacent t1_j6izwmg wrote

The housing crisis is going to crater Maine’s economy sooner rather than later.

Workers need affordable, livable, stable housing. Or else they won’t be workers here much longer. And nobody is going to replace them.

Don’t worry though, we’re just going to ignore this until things fall apart completely and people are whining “nobody wants to work anymore”.


FleekAdjacent t1_j2paczd wrote

Who is “we”?

Cloth and surgical masks are not ideal at all for one-way masking, but definitely help when everyone in a space is masked.

N95s are extremely effective at both one-way and of course, two-way masking. They offer an entirely different category of filtration.

The problem with masking is that people don’t / don’t want to understand COVID and other respiratory viruses are airborne. They can hang in the air for hours after an infected individual leaves a room.

People don’t understand that masks filter air, they don’t scare away disease. You have to cover your nose and mouth and keep them that way the whole time you’re in a space where a hazard exists.

Which led to lots of made up rationalizations like wearing a mask to a restaurant table, then taking it off once seated = “being safe”, or masking for an event, but taking off masks for a group photo is “doing everything right”.

“Masks don’t really work” was invented by people when their lack of understanding, willful or not, led to them getting infected despite masking in ways that defeat the purpose.


FleekAdjacent t1_izt8k8p wrote

If you ever raise an eyebrow at the warning labels telling people “DON’T RUN THIS GENERATOR INDOORS, YOU WILL DIE”, understand they were made for people like this.


FleekAdjacent t1_iyckm1n wrote

“Immunity debt” is something invented by media and politicians to explain why kids getting their immune systems battered by COVID for years isn’t the problem.

The idea kids spent years in a disease free bubble with undeveloped immune systems doesn’t jibe with the reality we were all here to see. Hell, plenty of kids had their parents drag them to restaurants by mid-2020.

The immunity debt narrative is a strategy to retroactively blame the current situation on doing anything to limit the impact of COVID, or protect people in general.

It’s super MAGA thinking designed to make people feel like they were right to not want to make an effort in the first place.

It’s pseudoscience to excuse selfishness.


FleekAdjacent t1_irkisz8 wrote

I can’t speak about this particular person, but it’s a good idea to remember that in general, people are driving around after successive bouts of brain damage. The shit I’ve seen on the roads in the last year is a good indication that a lot of people aren’t even aware of the world around them.

We pretend not to notice this because it would raise too many uncomfortable questions.