
FeralCJ7 t1_jeg6vnl wrote

There's a meme somewhere from a city I used to work in when I was a cop.

A pot belly pig got loose in a neighborhood and we responded first then called animal control. The meme has the animal control officer (they're non sworn, civilian employees there) carrying this pot belly pig. It's funny. Apparently it was someone's pet nearby.


FeralCJ7 t1_jclqwx0 wrote

> According to a study conducted by researchers at Duke University's Day Hospital (via MyHealthyApple), the Apple Watch could help treat vaso-occlusive crises (VOCs), a key complication caused by sickle cell disease that often hospitalizes patients due to severe pain. The research indicates that machine learning using the Apple Watch's collected health data can discover trends to predict pain among people with sickle cell disease, which could provide an early warning signal and enable treatment via painkillers and saline hydration before it becomes more severe.

Assuming you didn't actually read the article and aren't actually in the legal profession.

A study, conducted by researchers, says "hey we may be able to use this to do this!"

Not Apple saying "use our watch to treat sickle cell!" at all. It's researchers saying the device may assist with early warning signs.


FeralCJ7 t1_j6n6i8g wrote

Eh, I was a cop for over a decade. The number of pocket dial 911 calls we got is crazy. Unbelievable.

But, it's not really costing money imo. I mean, the dispatchers are paid no matter what, so are the police. I was already out driving around anyway, so if I'm driving here or there it doesn't matter, it's costing tax dollars.

And, every department I worked at a 911 unknown, or 911 hangup, was always a lower priority than a known issue. So if we got dispatched to an alarm or a crash we always for those first then the unknown calls. So it didn't really take away from emergency responses elsewhere.


FeralCJ7 t1_j5ql9yz wrote

I don't know of any jurisdiction in my area that doesn't offer some sort of deal for first offenders on non-violent offenses. It's usually like hey don't do this again and I'm 6 months we wipe it from your record kinda stuff, maybe they do 10 hours of community service related to the offense potentially (littering would be cleaning a road or something, stuff like that).

Heck, even for violent misdemeanors they generally offer deals for first offenders.

I dunno if that's responsible for a lack of reoffending or not, I think most people are generally good and make a mistake and get caught sometimes and they'll never break the law again.


FeralCJ7 t1_j26duhz wrote

I was a cop for 14 years and just got out. I absolutely remember iphones getting stolen constantly when they were fairly new; gradually the thefts have tapered off due to being able to be tracked so easily by the owners and locked remotely.

I agree with you that allowing software to unlock these devices would just increase thefts.


FeralCJ7 t1_j25peih wrote

I don't think I'm making myself clear.

I'm not talking theft from a shop. I'm talking theft from person. From car. Right now pawn shops (at least where I live) only take phones you can prove are unlocked. If anyone can just buy the stuff to unlock it thefts could go up.


FeralCJ7 t1_j25glb2 wrote

I guess I'm looking at it from the perspective of right now the tools needed to break encryption and unlock devices aren't commonly possessed. So the incentive to steal my phone, which could happen, really isn't that high right now cuz I can lock it, wipe it etc.

But once you start selling the ability for people to crack devices it'll basically make locking your device worthless.


FeralCJ7 t1_j25df8x wrote

If they sell the codes whatever to licensed technicians, will there be some sort of federal licensing required to ensure they don't sell it Joe Blow on the street though?


FeralCJ7 t1_j254w23 wrote

> The bill also won’t require OEMs to provide “passwords, security codes or materials” to bypass security features, which is sometimes necessary to do to save a locked, but otherwise functionally fine device.

That part I understand at least. If anyone can access locked devices there's not much point for locking it.

But the part about selling component parts is bullshit


FeralCJ7 t1_iycyxib wrote

Anecdotal, obviously. We have echoes in our house. All over the place. I absolutely love them. Music in my kids' rooms at night, lights on and off, play holiday music while we decorate, it's great.

BUT if Apple had been on the market earlier with their Homepod and home kit, I would have purchased that instead because we are already invested in the Apple ecosystem. I think it's the same for my friends who have Android and Google home or whatever theirs is called.

Amazon is an outlier; their phone sucked and failed, their tablets are cheap and feel it, their app store is limited, so they just don't have the big integration others do. Where they seem to excel is with their TV service, at least from my personal experience, and their ebook industry.