
FeezusChrist t1_jdf4t45 wrote

“Adults have more important things going on and there are dozens of alternatives that aren't owned by a country that views us as it's mortal enemy and banned our social media without hesitation”

A reason TikTok is particularly popular is because it’s not controlled by our government or big tech that dominates U.S media. On TikTok you are exposed to news and content that the media simply does not cover. For example, how much U.S media coverage do you see of the France protests against raising the age of retirement? You see it a lot on TikTok, rarely covered otherwise by the media. I wonder if there’s a conflict of interest?

And saying adults have more important things to do is so pretentious, you’re on Reddit right now so you’re already invalidating your own implication of social media being some low form of entertainment.


FeezusChrist t1_isdjo3n wrote

If you spent more than a minute digging into the research:

“Algorithms in this rich space have different mathematical and practical properties. Leveraging this diversity, we adapted AlphaTensor to specifically find algorithms that are fast on a given hardware, such as Nvidia V100 GPU, and Google TPU v2. These algorithms multiply large matrices 10-20% faster than the commonly used algorithms on the same hardware, which showcases AlphaTensor’s flexibility in optimising arbitrary objectives.”
